This topic has been on my mind for months, but I was never motivated enough to fully explain why indie game development is vastly different from smaller AAA (or AA) productions. While, on the surface, it may seem like indie developers can borrow techniques from AA-AAA studios, the reality is entirely different. Having worked in both AAA and indie teams, I can confidently say that the only true similarity is that both create video games. But first, let me clarify what I mean by "indie game development." I'm referring to small teams, often fewer than five people, or solo developers, who work with little to no budget—unlike AA or AAA productions, where budgets can reach several millions. AA games, are indeed smaller versions of AAA productions, sharing many of the same workflows and resources. Now, let’s focus on why indie developers can’t simply borrow strategies from AA or AAA studios. The Small Business Analogy To put it simply, being an indie developer is like running a...
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