The Best Marketing You Can Do for Your Game Is to Make It Great!

It all started with my decision to forgo social media for my indie game dev projects back in 2020... If you're an indie game developer, you've probably came face to face with the following dilemma: Which social media platform to use to promote your game. Websites and social media platforms often dominate the landscape, seaming serving as the only go-to tools for reaching out to your audience and building a community. Also, experts of all kinds will tell you that you need to have a presence everywhere since everyone is doing it. Prior to Covid-19, I can't recall a social media platform where I didn't have a presence. I was everywhere; however, as time passed I started questioning the effectiveness of social media, and for a valid reason: creating content for most social media platforms now brings limited (if any) organic reach and impact. At the same time, you need to be kept up to date with algo updates and changes. An account that appears successful one day can vanish ...